“NDR Info Perspektiven” reports about our innovation
Two engineers from southern Lower Saxony want to help predict strokes better using a computer software.
Two engineers from southern Lower Saxony want to help predict strokes better using a computer software.
ELPIS Simulation GmbH won between 52 applicants. The specially developed software allows the attending physician to assess the risk of a stroke in the patients.
At this year’s innovation award in the state of Lower Saxony, ELPIS Simulation GmbH was among the three finalists in the “Economy” category.
Helping patients individually, that is the goal of ELPIS Simulation GmbH. Analysis and prediction of brain strokes and help doctors to plan their surgeries. That is what ELPIS Simulation GmbH in Hann. Münden can make possible.
ELPIS Simulation GmbH is nominated
for the Lower Saxony Innovation Prize
2021 in the "Economy" category.
ELPIS Simulation GmbH participates in the innovation award 2021 in Göttingen.
The Life Science Accelerator is a funding partner for young life science startups. It enables life science startups to approach their own entrepreneurial activities more securely …